Chapter1 Shloka23 - Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Chapter 1 : Two Armies in Kurukshetra and Arjuna's refusal to fight

Ch 01 : Sh 23

योत्स्यमानानवेक्षेऽहं य एतेऽत्र समागताः ।
धार्तराष्ट्रस्य दुर्बुद्धेर्युद्धे प्रियचिकीर्षवः ॥


yotsyamanan avekse 'ham ya ete 'tra samagatah
dhartarastrasya durbuddher yuddhe priya-cikirsavah


I wish to see those gathered here ready to fight in this battle in order to please the evil-minded [Duryodhana] son of Dhrtarashtra.
