Chapters - Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

This Chapter starts with the conversation of Sanjaya and Dhritarashtra, the king of Kuru dynasty. As per the scriptures, sage Vyasa gave cosmic vision to Sanjaya so he can describe the proceedings of war. Actually, sage Vyasa wanted to give this power to Dhritarashtra, but he refused saying he could not see his children growing, now he doesn't want to see them dying. But he still wanted to know the whole proceedings of war and so he recommended to give the power of cosmic vision to Sanjaya, his companion and chariot driver.

Initial shlokas describe the capabilities of two armies. Both armies getting ready for the war. The start of the war announced when the Cheif of Army of Kauravas, Bhisma blows his conchshell. Following him, everybody else blows his counchell. Drums and trumpets started playing. The war was about to start, but before that Arjuna wanted to see the two armies and observe who came to fight. He requested Shri Krishna who was the chariot driver to bring him to the place from where he can observe two Armies. Shri Krishna brought the chariot in the mid of the battlefield between two armies, just in front of Bhisma and Drona. 

When Arjuna looked at two armies, what he found his own Grandfather Bhisma, his Guru Druna, his friends, his relatives and cousins in opposite Armies. Seeing his own friends and relatives he got struck with the great confusion about his duties and what id good and what is bad. He refused to fight. The Shlokas 23 onwards will Shloka 46 describes the state of Arjuna's refusal to fight.

This chapter is the second largest chapter of Shrimad Bhagvad Gita after Chapter 18. The chapter contains many subjects and appears as the introductions of all principles described in later chapters. But this chapter contains one of the rare philosophy of Santan Dharma, the Sankhya and for this reason many names this chapter as Sankhya Yoga. Though The Shlokas from #12 till #30 contains the deep principles of the soul, life and propagation of life. Shloka #31 till #38 describe the principle of duty and connection of inherent nature of human to duties.  Shloka #40 onward describe the principles of yoga. Under which Shri Krishna explained Karma Yoga, the Yoga of intelligence and the art of self-control. 

This Chapter describes the Karma Yoga in details. The chapter starts with Arjuna asking question referring to the earlier talk where Shri Krishna emphasized the importance of knowledge. Arjuna then asks why one should involve in actions bringing so much trouble and not resort to knowledge alone. Shri Krishna then explained, Karma is a perennial principle and nothing in this universe can be achieved without Karma. Even knowledge, devotion, etc achieved by doing some kind of Karma. No living being can live even a moment without doing something. So leaving Karma is not at all an option. Yes, one should do actions which are prescribed to welfare for humanity and personal liberation. To gain knowledge itself is one of the prescribed Karma. In not doing actions binds human more to the mortal world as he may be the reason for the downfall of society by ignoring his duties. 

In this Chapter then Shri Krishna then explained how one should perform an action to get liberated. The chapter also describes how an expert should behave when he knows others may be normal human around. One should not use knowledge to unsettle society but use the knowledge to gradually correct the faults. Another important topic covered in this chapter is the importance for leaders to put an example by their actions. Society by default follows the leaders. It rises and falls with the leader. Therefore those at high offices bear bigger responsibility to engage in pure actions.

The chapter later describes how senses, desires, etc are hurdles for a human doing pure actions and how human should overpower the desires and control his senses.

This chapter is termed as Jnana Yoga, the Yoga of knowledge. This chapter explains the secret of some rare subjects.  The chapter starts with a question from Arjuna.  When Shri Krishna explained to Arjuna that He(Shri Krishna) had told the principles of Yoga first of Vivasana(the Sun deity), Arjuna got surprised. He thought how Shri Krishna whose age is similar to mine given the concepts of yoga to Vivasana who is the ancient deity. On this Shri Krishna explained Arjuna the secret of many births. Every living being passes through many bodies, the difference is that He(ShrI Krishna) remembers them all and others not.

This Chapter then explains the secret and purpose of incarnation (Sh#6-8) 

Next Shlokas(#12-#21) explains the types of actions. How different people doing actions on this planet reach to the different destination depends upon their attachment to the fruits of actions.  The desires of material possessions and the attachment to the fruits of actions also are the factor deciding how and whom people worship.  Giving his own example Shri Krishna explained he though does everything still remains unaffected by the reaction of any action. that's because he is not attached to the fruits of any action. 

The purest form of action is called a Yajna, Shri Krishna then explained various types of Yajna(#25-32). Shloka 33 describes the relative comparison and the best type of Yajnas.  Shloka #34 onward, Shri Krishna describes the significance of knowledge. Knowledge, as Shri Krishna termed, is the best purifying for a human. As fire burns every impurity similarly knowledge destroys all the sins of human gradually.

This chapter explains one of the most misunderstood concepts about Sanatan Dharma(The Hinduism) and that the concept of Sanyas . The Chapter starts with the question by Arjuna about which is better Sanyas or Performing action. Answer this Bhavan Shri Krishna explained the true definition and also suggested performing actions is the best way to achieve Sanyas. Bhagvan Shri Krishna explained leaving action is not a Sanyas but leaving the attachment to fruits of actions is the real Sanyas. Therefore a Grahastha who works for the welfare of his family, society and does not get attached to the fruits of action is a Sanyasi, He does not have to leave society and go to the mountain to achieve Sanyas.  A person who is situated in the divine consciousness of Bhagavan Shri Krishna though performing all actions remains free from the effects of actions. 

The chapter further explains how to achieve that state of Sanyas while still performing actions and his duties(#17-28)

This Chapter is the original source of Yoga which is known as Ashtanga yoga after the practice of Yoga been formulated in 8 limbs by sage Patanjali. This chapter 6 of Shrimad Bhagvad Gita does not describe all 8 limbs in detail and thus is not called as Ashtanga yoga. This include the major limbs, pranayama, meditation and samadhi and gives a general references of practice of yoga. Many expert call this chapter as Raj Yoga or Dhyan yoga. Few other name this chapter as Shankhya yoga as Ashtanga yoga is considered as the path of renunciation and Sanyas.
Before starting with the shlokas, I give a small introduction of this chapter which may help to understand the chapter better;

Sh1-4: Explain the similarities between renunciation and yoga and attaining Yoga through the process of renunciation.

Sh5-10: Explain the volatile nature of mind and emphasize controlling it to attain the perfection in Yoga.9 and 10 of these shlokas explain knowledge and devotion as effective tools to control mind.

Sh11-17 Explain the practical methods of practicing yoga particularly Pranayama and Meditation.

Sh18-23 Explain the supreme state of meditation and Samadhi.

Sh 24-32 Explain how to achieve meditation and Samadhi? Earlier Shlokas explain the gradual progression in Yoga by constant practice and determination. Later Shlokas explain the importance of devotion in achieving meditation.

sh33-45 Contains the questioning by Arjuna about the difficulty of practicing Yoga and what happens to those who fail in achieving state of yoga. Bhagvan Shri Krishna explained how a person who enters the path of yoga with pure devotion achieve his final destination even if he fails in this birth.

Sh46-47 Give comparison between different path of Yoga.

Now, the means — worship/meditation (upāsana) for attaining Nārāyaṇa the Consort of Sri is introduced. The first group of six chapters dealt with the knowledge of the true nature of the Self, which is the pre-requisite for upāsana, which is then accomplished through Right Action (Karma Yoga).
In this group of six chapters, the nature of the Supreme Being (Para-Brahman) and His worship(upāsana) designated by the term ‘Bhakti’, (loving devotion) are taught. This same teaching will be summarized later on in chapter 18 verses 46 — 54.
Here in the seventh chapter five principal topics are dealt with:
1. The real nature of the Supreme Being who is the object of worship,
2. His concealment by Prakṛti (Material Nature),
3. Removal of the veil of Māya (delusion) through taking refuge in the Lord
4. The various types of devotees and
5. The superiority of the wise.

This is one of the toughest chapters in Shrimad Bhagvad Gita and explains some complex subjects. The chapters start with 7 questions asked by Arjuna. about Atma, Bramhan actions, deities, material beings yajna and the receiver of the Yajna. Shri Krishna also asked how a person can keep his devotion intact till the last moment of his life? In the reply Bhagavan Shri Krishna explained these concepts. These concepts are one of the cores of spiritual knowledge in Santan Dharma.  In this Chapter Bhagavan Shri Krishna also revealed the secret. Any human who remembers Shri Krishna even in last moment changes his destiny in coming lives. However, doing so is not as easily cause the last moment of life, first of all, is very uncertain is a very difficult moment. Therefore a human should practice the art of devotion much earlier and try to achieve the state of steadiness in the devotion of Bhagavan Shri Krishna.  

This chapter also describes the process and cycle of creation and the division of the universe. Part of the universe falls under the periphery of time and changes every moment the other part of the universe remains unaffected with the time and hence is immortal. A human should try to use the opportunity to attain the immortal universe the best among them is the abode of Bhagavan Shri Krishna.

Many expert name this chapter as “Raj vidya” or “Raj Guhya” yoga, which in English translates to the “secret knowledge”. This chapter truly contains some extreme secret of creation of universe and its propagation. This Chapter also discusses one of the most important subjects that are the state of deities and their worship. And finally this chapter explains how people of different nature and background can achieve the supreme state of liberation.

The chapter contains 34 Shlokas, a short description of the subjects discussed in these Shlokas are as follows:

Sh1-10 discusses, how Lord Shri Krishna the supreme establishes the rules of nature and propagates this universe.

Sh 11, explains, how human lost in the multitude of material world get confused even about God.

Sh12-15 and 20-25 explain the multitudes of worships by the human. These Shlokas discus what are the status of deities and the returns of worshipping them.

Sh 16-19 Explains how a multitude of material existence has a single source and that is Bhagavan Shri Krishna.

Sh 26 Define, how worshipping Bhagavan Shri Krishna is as simple as offering a few drops of water, few flower petals, etc. Devotion is important for worship and not material.

Sh27-29 Declares how undivided devotion towards Bhagavan Shri Krishna is one of the most effective ways to free from the bounds of Karma.

Sh30-33 Explains how people of any background can achieve Bhagavan Shri Krishna. In fact Shloka 30 defines, there is never a late for anybody to choose the noble path of devotion. A human even has committed sin in the past if decides to leave his past karma and involve in pure devotion will soon be purified.

Finally, in Shloka 34 Bhagavan Shri Krishna instructs to engage the mind in God, which will lead to the purification of mind and once the mind is purified human conscious is automatically awakened.

This chapter is dedicated entirely to one of the main concepts of Santan Dharma, the manifestation. For this reason this chapter is called as Vibhuti Yoga. Vibhuti means forms, manifestation.

As per the concept, manifestation is the process where Lord of the all worlds, Bhagvan Shri Krishna expanded its potency to create multiple physical objects. That potency is known as Maya, Other potency of Bhagvan Shri Krishna the Bramhan manifested to create all souls. In summary, this whole universe is but the result of that very manifestation of potencies of Bhagvan Shri Krishna. Without understanding the concept of manifestation it is difficult to comprehend the process of creation.

The other significance of manifestation, it’s the direct rebuttal to those claims that God does not have forms. The truth is that everything which exists in this universe if but one of the forms of Bhagvan Shri Krishna.

In the first 8 Shlokas of this chapter, Bhagavan Shri Krishna has explained his powers through which this universe came into existence. Shri Krishna specified a few primary elements of the universe.

In Shlokas 9,10 and 11 Bhagavan Shri Krishna explained his oneness with his devotees. Shri Krishna explained how his devotees are awarded. Shri Krishna gives clear vision and power of yoga to his devotees using which devotee is able to achieve Shri Krishna.

Shloka 12-16, describes, how Arjuna by now recognized Shri Krishna as supreme Lord. Arjuna realized that the glory of Shri Krishna is too vast for a normal human to comprehend. Hence in Shloka 17 and 18. Arjuna requested Shri Krishna to explain how a human of limited capability can comprehend Shri Krishna.

Being pleased with the Purity and devotion of Arjuna, Shri Krishna agreed to explain some of his forms to which a normal human can use in the process of devotion and worship. Those forms are what the basis of Idol Worship in Sanatan Dharma. Idol worship is the simplest yet the most effective method of worship.

Thus this chapter gives an answer to some very important questions. We would be discussing every Shlokas in details.

This chapter describes one of rarest phenomena, that is that the universal form of Bhagavan Shri Krishna. Never before this, anybody knew about the complete real form of Bhagavan Shri Krishna. Though Bhagavan Shri Krishna did reveal his form to Mother Yashoda, to Bhisma, Drona, and Vidhura in the Dhritarashtra court the grandson of Bhima. But it was not as detail and complete.

After hearing the description of forms of Shri Krishna in the last chapter. Arjuna got further curious to see that manifestation. Thus he requested Shri Krishna to display how He(Shri Krishna) manifest into so many forms and how that looks in real(Shloka#4).
Happy with the devotion and purity of Arjuna, Shri Krishna agreed to reveal his real form which was never seen by anybody before. But seeing His universe form was not possible with normal human eyes, thus Shri Krishan provided Arjuna the divine cosmic vision(Shloka #8)
Then the forms of Shri Krishna unfolded in front of Arjuna’s eyes. He saw everything, all entities, and all processes as happening. But what got Arjuna was surprised, was the real happening of time, which is not only constructing but causing enormous destruction. Time at one end creating matter and living beings but on another end, it is consuming living beings and material mercilessly. He saw past and future all unfolding in front of eyes, He saw all those who stand in front him getting consumed by the time, which is the part of the universal form. Arjuna got terribly frightened (Shloka#31).
Arjuna then realized, Shri Krishna is not one he knows, he is the father of this universe. He then asks Shri Krishan for forgiveness for anything he might have said Him(Shri Krishna) considering him as normal human, as his friend, etc. Arjuna further requested Shri Krishna to display the divine four-armed form which is soothing to the heart of devotees.
Laster at the end Shri Krishna reveals that this universal form of God cannot be seen by any means of study, tapasya or Yoga but but pure devotion only. The glory of devotion is established once more in this chapter

Chapter 12reveals the secrets of devotion, different ways of Practicing devotional services, and the elements of devotions. Devotion is the single most topic of this chapter and for this reason, it is called “Bhakti Yoga”.

Shlokas 1-8 gives the answer to one of the biggest questions asked about the worship methods and that is what is best to worship the form of God or worshipping God as an absolute invisible entity. Worship methods that involve any symbol or replica of God either directly or indirectly is called Murti Puja or Idol worship. However, this very terminology Murti Puja(idol worship) is not a correct phrase and not used in Hindu scriptures. This term is used mostly by non-Hindus mostly in a derogatory term. But in modern times this has been normalized in a way that it is used for Hindu ways of worship involving statues, symbols,s or pictures of god or deity. We will use the term here for the sake of people to understand.

Arjuna in the very first Shloka asked Shri Krishna as what is best worshipping the manifest God or form of God or unmanifest God(invisible God)? Bhagvan Shri Krishna said though both methods vary only in usage and not in the ultimate goal, worshipping the form of God is best. It is easier to understand and most chances to achieve the goal of worship. On other hand worshipping an invisible or unmanifest God is extremely difficult and has very little chance of success. Human is an embodied being and can understand only forms or something which can be understood by mind and senses. An absolute definition of God is hard to understand, grasp or comprehend. And a human cannot worship something which he can’t understand. Therefore most of the time such worships ends up in failure.

Shloka 9-12 describes how a person can perform devotional services. Bhagvan Shri Krishna explained there are many ways for humans to practice devotion and offer devotional services to God. A human can choose any of those methods as per his nature, situation, and ability.

Coming shlokas 13-20 describes the different elements of devotional services. Most of the time people think that performing some rituals towards God or deity is the definition of devotion. Bhagvan Shri Krishna in this chapter described devotion services have many dimensions and is not all about chanting mantras, performing rituals. A human being who has served humanity and living being is pure in his thoughts and actions and always devotes his time to the welfare of other beings is actually doing better devotional services than a person spending most of his time in worshipping chanting mantras etc. Bhagvan Shri Krishna in those shlokas 13-20 has listed all those characteristics in humans which is very dear to Shri Krishna.

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