śrī arjuna uvāca mad-anugrahāya paramaṃ guhyam adhyātma saṃjñitam | yat tvayoktaṃ vacas tena moho-yaṃ vigato mama || 1 ||
bhavāpyayau hi bhūtānāṃ śrutau vistaraśo mayā | tvattaḥ kamala-patrākṣa mahātmyam api cāvyayam || 2 ||
Arjuna said. Out of compassion for Me, You have personally revealed the most profound mystery concerning the jivatman; thereby this delusion of mine is completely dispelled.(1) Indeed, I have heard in great detail about the origination and dissolution of all beings, OKrishna (Lotus-eyed-one), as issuing forth from You; as also about Your inexhaustible excellence(2)
Referring to Shri Krishna revealing his manifestations, Arjuna thanked Shri Krishna and expressed all his doubts have been dispelled. Arjuna further accepts he acknowledge Shri Krishna alone is the supreme and the source of all beings.