Chapter12 Shloka9 - Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Chapter 12 : Bhakti Yoga, The yoga of devotion

Ch 12 : Sh 09

अथ चित्तं समाधातुं न शक्रोषि मयि स्थिरम्‌ ।
अभ्यासयोगेन ततो मामिच्छाप्तुं धनञ्जय ॥


atha cittaṃ samādhātuṃ na śaknoṣi mayi sthiram |
abhyāsa-yogena tato mām-icchāptuṃ dhanañjaya ||


If now, you are unable to center your mind on Me in deep meditation, then seek to reach Me, O Arjuna (Dhananjaya), by the Yoga of constant practice.


In earlier Shloka Bhagvan Shri Krishna explained the first and the best way to indulge into devotion. And that holds supreme personality, Shr Krishna, in his mind and intelligence always.

But if one is unable to do that the next method is described n this method. If a man fails to hold God in his mind and intelligence then he should do a constant practice of yoga. Once he indulges in the practice of yoga he will be able to achieve the first state.

Very clearly Bhagvan Shri Krishna points here the practice of Ashtanga Yoga or the part of it as described n chapter 6 which is called Rajyoga by many experts. The practice of yoga is primarily to discipline the body first. Once the body comes under control mind started getting focussed. If the practice of Yoga is genuine the devotee will achieve the first state as described in the earlier shloka.