sarvataḥ pāṇi-pādaṃ tat sarvato’ kṣiśiro-mukham |
sarvataḥ śṛutimalloke sarvam-āvṛtya tiṣṭhati || 14 ||
Everywhere are Its (Brahman's) hands and feet; Its eyes, heads and faces are everywhere; Its ears are on all sides; and It exists enveloping all things.
This Shloka describes the second characteristic of The Brahman and that is that its omnipresent.
The words used are :
1. Everywhere are Its (Brahman's) hands and feet
Hands and feet are pertaining to the action and by mentioning it the Shloka is indicating actionable capabilities of the Brhman. Not to mention Brahman spans the entire universe and is capable of bringing action at any place.
2. Its eyes, heads and faces are everywhere;
Adding to its omnipresent capabilities, this phrase defines the Brahman has its own intelligence setup it views everything in the entire universe.
3. Its ears are on all sides
This phrase describes the Brahman is capable of hearing everything and it has presence everywhere.
4. It exists enveloping all things
And finally this phrase claims The Brahman envelops everything, In other words the Brahman is present everywhere in this universe and hence omnipresent.
All the above claims are extra ordinary and extremely hard to comprehend. If we combine with this the characteristics of the Brahman described in earlier Shloka, which is the Brahman is neither living nor non-living.
Many questions arrive here now. What kind of an entity can be which is neither living nor non-living, yet it has intelligence, it is present everywhere and it can see and hear everything?
Answer is not easy and may need a big research to comprehend all these. But one thing which I personally understand ( I might be wrong, so sorry if I am) its possible only in one way if we recognize the Brahman as the extension of the potency of the God(Bhagvan Krishna) himself. Assuming so will also answers the question how Bhagvan Krishna who otherwise resides in his own abode is omnipresent.
So on this idea we may build a theory as follows:
The Brahman is a potency of Bhagvan Shri Krishna and spreads in the entire universe as an invisible, intelligent field as magnetic field spreads around the earth or any such celestial body. The only addition we have to make to the field is that a magnetic or electric field is not intelligent but Brahman is, which in my view is not difficult to understand. Brahman is a special potency of none other than the God (Bhagvan Krishna) it therefore possesses the intelligence into the field. We may make this theory simpler by assuming the Bramhan does not have its own intelligence but is connected to the intelligence of the God and work as a sensor. This makes a simple theory which can be logically explained and comprehend. Not to mention this solves the complex question of how God can be omnipresent.
This theory makes lot of sense with logic. Only a field like magnetic field, ether, electric field etc can spread and fill entire space, an entity can’t be. This is because whenever an entity exists anywhere it fills the space and nothing else can exist in that space. If something else comes into that space the first has to be de-filled. But a field like magnetic field is never defiling For example, living beings and millions of substances exist on earth yet magnetic field of the is not de-filled by anything.
The same characteristics are explained for the Brahman in Shloka #15 which says The Brahman is present everywhere yet detached. Shloka #16 explain The Brahman is inside and outside of everything. This definition comes true only and only when Brahman is something similar to a field, like magnetic field, eletric field etc