Chapter2 Shloka16 - Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Chapter 2 : Sankhya Yoga - The realm of truth

Ch 02 : Sh 16

नासतो विद्यते भावो नाभावो विद्यते सतः ।
उभयोरपि दृष्टोऽन्तस्त्वनयोस्तत्वदर्शिभिः ॥


nasato vidyate bhavo nabhavo vidyate satah
ubhayor api drsto 'ntas tv anayos tattva-darsibhih


Unreal does not come into subsistence and the real never ceases to exist. The truth of both of these has been professed by the seers of the truth


The above Shloka is one of the most universal Shlokas in all Hindu scriptures. This is so profound that it can be interpreted in multiple way and to explain almost every sphere of lives.. Here this shloka should be interpreted in context of life. The perception of human that this body is life is not true. The fact can be verified, when after some time, inspite of body human is declared dead. Means body is not the life. The real definition of life is from Atama, which never dies, always exist, with body or without body. Atma is the real definition of life