Chapter2 Shloka72 - Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Chapter 2 : Sankhya Yoga - The realm of truth

Ch 02 : Sh 72

एषा ब्राह्मी स्थितिः पार्थ नैनां प्राप्य विमुह्यति ।
स्थित्वास्यामन्तकालेऽपि ब्रह्मनिर्वाणमृच्छति ॥


esa brahmi sthitih partha nainam prapya vimuhyati
sthitvasyam anta-kale 'pi brahma-nirvanam rcchati


O Son of Pratha! This is the state of godly life. On having attained this state, one does not get deluded. Even if one attains this state at the time of his death, he attains Me.


Divine state of Shri Krishna consciousness
This is the last Shloka of Chapter 2 and also the Buddhi Yoga.

Declaring the glory of Buddhi Yoga, Bhagvan Shri Krishna explained to Arjuna that, if any devotee who is able to achieve the pure devotion for Lord Shri Krishna, he attains such bliss and peace that he automatically loses the lust for worldly things and becomes pure. Such people live life with happiness and peace and attains the Moksha after this life.

Bhagvan further says, that if a human achieves this pure devotion for Bhagvaan Shri Krishna even in the last moment is even to given him Moksha.