Chapter3 Shloka29 - Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Chapter 3 : Karma Yoga - The Yoga of action

Ch 03 : Sh 29

प्रकृतेर्गुणसम्मूढ़ाः सज्जन्ते गुणकर्मसु ।
तानकृत्स्नविदो मन्दान्कृत्स्नविन्न विचालयेत्‌ ॥


prakrter guna-sammudhah sajjante guna-karmasu
tan akrtsna-vido mandan krtsna-vin na vicalayet


Bewildered by the modes of material nature, the ignorant fully engage themselves in material activities and become attached. But the wise should not unsettle them, although these duties are inferior due to the performers' lack of knowledge.


In this Shloka Bhagvan Shri Krishna again explained Arjuna how people of knowledge to balance his acts in society with others who may not be as knowledgeable. It is indeed true that to be detached from the material world and attaining enlightenment is supreme, but this is also true that it is not a sin nor a crime not be enlightened. In fact, most of the people in society are not enlightened or detached. Under the effect of three modes of material nature, they indulge in acts with the desires of the fruits. This may not be the best thing to do as this keep human being within the cycle of death and birth, but this is not a sin.

Therefore for a person of knowledge, it is wrong to declare others as wrong. By doing so they are misusing the knowledge they acquired and doing more harm to society than any help. Normal people who cannot understand the subtle state of knowledge may be bewildered or may get further away from Dharma. Knowledgeable people should use knowledge with care and with clear intention to benefit people and not to make others feel guilty.