Chapter3 Shloka41 - Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Chapter 3 : Karma Yoga - The Yoga of action

Ch 03 : Sh 41

तस्मात्त्वमिन्द्रियाण्यादौ नियम्य भरतर्षभ ।
पाप्मानं प्रजहि ह्येनं ज्ञानविज्ञाननाशनम्‌ ॥


tasmāt-tvam-indriyāṇyādau niyamya bharatarṣabha |
pāpmānaṃ prajahi hyenaṃ jñāna vijñāna nāśanam || 41 ||


Therefore, O Arjuna, the best of the Bharatas, in the very beginning curb this great symbol of sin [lust] by regulating the senses, and slay this destroyer of knowledge and self-realization.


In earlier Shloka, Bhagvan Shri Krishna explained that lust influences all three centers of human existence, the senses, The Mind, and Intelligence and that are that why it is very difficult to win over lust.

But we Krishna explained earlier that lust originates from Rajas Guna and hence it can be cured using corrective methods. In this Shloka Bhagvan Shri Krishna tells that one should start regulating his senses to win over lust. Since senses are gross and their objects are very clearly visible material objects, it is easier to have measurable methods to control senses. Once senses are in control, the mind gets pacified and once mined is pacified, intellect is purified.