Chapter3 Shloka42,43 - Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Chapter 3 : Karma Yoga - The Yoga of action

Ch 03 : Sh 42-43

इन्द्रियाणि पराण्याहुरिन्द्रियेभ्यः परं मनः ।
मनसस्तु परा बुद्धिर्यो बुद्धेः परतस्तु सः ॥
एवं बुद्धेः परं बुद्धवा संस्तभ्यात्मानमात्मना ।
जहि शत्रुं महाबाहो कामरूपं दुरासदम्‌ ॥


indriyāṇi parāṅyāhur-indrebhyaḥ paraṃ manaḥ |
manas-astu parā buddhir-yo buddheḥ paratas-tu saḥ || 42 ||
evaṃ buddheḥ paraṃ buddhvā saṃstabhyātmānam ātmanā |
jahi śatruṃ mahā-bāho kāma-rūpaṃ durāsadam || 43 ||


It is said that the senses are superior to dull matter: the mind is superior to the senses; the intellect is higher than the mind; but what is greater than intellect is the soul. Thus knowing that [soul] which is beyond intelligence and abiding the self within the Self, O Mighty Warrior, slay this enemy in the form of lust, stubborn even to be subdued.(by Madhvacharya) Alternate translation ---------------------------- Thus knowing soul (conscious) to be transcendental to material senses, mind and intelligence, one should control the lower self by the higher self and thus-by spiritual strength-conquer this insatiable enemy known as lust.(By Prabhupada)


It is suggested to read these two shlokas together to get the correct meaning. Reading the Shloka#43 alone might make it difficult to understand.

In earlier Shloka Bhagvan Shri Krishna given the basic methods to conquer lust. In these two shlokas, Bhagvan explains more advanced methods. First is the secret of the relative hierarchy of senses, mind, intelligence, and soul. Senses are lowest in these 4 entities. The soul is the most superior or all senses, mind and intelligence. Controlling the higher elements controls all lower elements. If one controls his mind may control his senses. If one controls intelligence one can control the mind and senses. But if one is situated into himself, he controls everything, the intelligence, the mind, and senses because the soul is supreme and most powerful. This if we call in technical terms is the Top-Down approach of self-control.