Chapter3 Shloka9 - Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Chapter 3 : Karma Yoga - The Yoga of action

Ch 03 : Sh 09

यज्ञार्थात्कर्मणोऽन्यत्र लोकोऽयं कर्मबंधनः ।
तदर्थं कर्म कौन्तेय मुक्तसंगः समाचर ॥


yajnaarthaat karmano'nyatra loko’yam karmabandhanah
tadartham karma kaunteya muktasangah samaachara || 3.9 ||


The world is in bondage to work unless they are performed for the sake of Yajna (work done as sacrifice to Bhagvan Vishnu). Therefore, O Son of Kunti, give up attachment and do your work as a sacrifice.


From this Shloka, starts one of the most important concepts and the secret of Karma Yoga, The Yajna. In earlier Shloka Bhgvan Shri Krishna explained Arjuna about the imminence of karma. Nobody can exist even for a moment without doing something. Everybody has to do something all the time.

But then, there arises another issue, Bhagvan Shri Krishna while explaining the nature of karma described that every karma, produces the result and so the doer by default is bounded to the fruits of that karma, which brings the human into the cycle of birth and death.

But there is one type of Karma which does not bind human to the reaction of karma, and that is Yajna. As we all know, Yajna is one of the incarnations of Bhagvan Shri Vishnu. Hence every reference of Yajna also refers to Bhavan Shri Vishnu. In the context of karma actions performed to please Bhagvan Vishnu is hence called as Yajna. Bhagvan Vishnu is pleased by those actions which are performed without the attachment to fruits, for the welfare of others. Therefore those actions which are performed without selfish desires, for the welfare of others and as the natural duty is hence liberating for human.

Next Shlokas describe the type of karma and other fact s, which we would discuss later.