Chapter4 Shloka3 - Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Chapter 4 : Jnana Yoga - The Yoga of knowledge

Ch 04 : Sh 03

स एवायं मया तेऽद्य योगः प्रोक्तः पुरातनः ।
भक्तोऽसि मे सखा चेति रहस्यं ह्येतदुत्तमम्‌ ॥


sa evāyaṃ mayā te’dya yogaḥ proktaḥ purātanaḥ |
bhakto’si me sakhā ceti rahasyaṃ hyetad-uttamam || 3 ||


It is that same ancient Yoga which I now reveal to you, as you are My devotee and My friend; You should hence behold transcendental mystery of this science, The Yoga.


Bhagvan Shri Krishna tells whatever He is revealing to Arjuna is the same ancient science of Yoga which he had once revealed to Vivasana (The sun deity) and which got lost in the span of time.

Bhagvan also made it clear that He is revealing this secret to Arjuna because he is a devotee as well as a friend. Arjuna should hence not hesitate to behold this supreme knowledge.