Chapter5 Shloka7 - Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Chapter 5 : Karma Sanyas Yoga - The Yoga of renunciation

Ch 05 : Sh 07

योगयुक्तो विशुद्धात्मा विजितात्मा जितेन्द्रियः ।
सर्वभूतात्मभूतात्मा कुर्वन्नपि न लिप्यते ॥


yoga-yukto viśuddh-ātmā vijitātmā jitendriyaḥ |
sarva-bhūtātmā bhūtātmā kurvann-api na lipyate || 7 ||


One who works in devotion, who is a pure soul, and who controls his mind and senses, is dear to everyone, and everyone is dear to him. Though always working, such a man is never entangled.


In above Shloka Bhagvan Shri Krishna explains the intricacies of Karma yoga and its blissful results. One who is devoted to God and works with the purity of his heart offering his all actions to Parmatma remains unattached from every bound even though he engages in actions all the time. He remains ever free. This state of freedom from the bonds of the material world and reactions of karma is what called Sanyas.

But even bigger bliss of Karma Yoga is that his sinless actions bring joy for others. He becomes dear to others and others become dear to him. Such bliss is absent in Sanyas. A Sanyasi, no doubt is able to attain the highest state of Bramhan but he may not be able to bring joy to others.