Chapter6 Shloka41,42 - Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Chapter 6 : Raj Yoga or Dhyana Yoga - Yoga of Meditation

Ch 06 : Sh 41-42

प्राप्य पुण्यकृतां लोकानुषित्वा शाश्वतीः समाः ।
शुचीनां श्रीमतां गेहे योगभ्रष्टोऽभिजायते ॥
अथवा योगिनामेव कुले भवति धीमताम्‌ ।
एतद्धि दुर्लभतरं लोके जन्म यदीदृशम्‌ ॥


prāpya puṇya-kṛtāṃ lokān uṣitvā śāśvatīḥ samāḥ |
śucināṃ śrīmatāṃ gehe yoga-bhraṣṭo ‘bhijāyate || 41 ||
athavā yoginām eva kule bhavati dhīmatām |
etaddhi durlabhataraṃ loke janma yadīdṛśam || 42 ||


The unsuccessful yogī, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people, or into a family of rich aristocracy. Or one is born into a family of wise Yogis; but verily such a birth in this world is very difficult to obtain.


Answering to the doubts of Arjuna, the merciful Lord assured Arjuna that any human who comes to the path devotion and Yoga does not fall further. From these Shlokas onwards Bhagvan Shri Krishna explains the deep secrets of how such devotees are saved.

In above Shloka Bhagvan Shri Krishna present two cases, which are as follows:

1. Yogi failed at an early stage of devotion and yoga
This is the case for a person who is devoted to God and has an interest in the spiritual path, but due to lack of self-restraint or weak determination he could not do much to practice yoga and failed at a very early stage. He somehow drifted towards material enjoyment. Shri Krishna says; since he is devoted to God and is righteous he will enjoy his physical desires with peace and satisfaction. Due to his inclination toward God and desire to get enlightenment, he will be born in a pious family in the next life, where he will get the environment to practice yoga since birth. All his physical deficiencies that stopped him from practicing yoga will be removed. There onward he will continue his journey towards enlighten without any hindrances. He will finally achieve liberation.

2 Yogi who failed at advance stage
There is another case. If a human who has devotion to God and who has achieved lot of success towards the self-realisation but somehow he could not reach to the perfection. Bhagvan Shri Krishna says, such human is born in the family of wise Yogis in next life. He will have advance spiritual understanding since very birth. For him achieving enlightenment and liberation would be easier thereafter. Though Bhagvan also warned that such birth is very still rare

In above two shlokas Bhagvan Shri Krishna described the secret that no matter if Yogi fails at early or later stage of Yoga, he will get appropriate opportunity in next life with all his deficiencies removed. In all situation, any human who has devotion towards God and who have done even little to come to spiritual path never fails. At whatever stage he is in this life will get higher stage in next life. There after he will further improve and finally achieve the liberation. Once a human come to the path of Yoga hence never fall.