Chapter7 Shloka19 - Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Chapter 7 : Adhyatma Yoga - The Yoga of Absolute

Ch 07 : Sh 19

बहूनां जन्मनामन्ते ज्ञानवान्मां प्रपद्यते ।
वासुदेवः सर्वमिति स महात्मा सुदुर्लभः ॥


bahūnāṃ janmanām ante jñānavān māṃ prapadyate |
vāsudevaḥ sarvam iti sa mahātmā sudurlabhaḥ || 19 ||


At the end of many births, the enlightened one takes refuge in Me, realising that ‘Vasudeva is everything’— It is very hard to find such a great-person.


In earlier three Shlokas Bhagvan Shri Krishna explained different kinds of people worshipping God and a devoted enlightened one is the best.

But for a human to have such a pure and enlightened state is difficult and achieved after several births in many cases. A human hence required to start into devotion at some point in time cause each single efforts in the path of devotion to bring the devotee closer to Shri Krishna. Sooner or later that devotee achieves the state where he is unified with God, becomes Shri Krishna’s own self. This fact is duly explained in Ch6.