Chapter7 Shloka20,21 - Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Chapter 7 : Adhyatma Yoga - The Yoga of Absolute

Ch 07 : Sh 20-21

कामैस्तैस्तैर्हृतज्ञानाः प्रपद्यन्तेऽन्यदेवताः ।
तं तं नियममास्थाय प्रकृत्या नियताः स्वया ॥
यो यो यां यां तनुं भक्तः श्रद्धयार्चितुमिच्छति ।
तस्य तस्याचलां श्रद्धां तामेव विदधाम्यहम्‌ ॥


kāmais tais tair hṛta-jñānāḥ prapadyante’nya-devatāḥ |
taṃ taṃ niyamam āsthāya prakṛtyā niyatāḥ svayā || 20 ||
yo yo yāṃ yāṃ tanuṃ bhaktaḥ śraddhayārcitum icchati |
tasya tasyācalāṃ śraddhāṃ tām-eva vidadhāmy-ahaṃ || 21 ||


Controlled by their inherent nature, and attracted by wishes to fulfil various desires, the worldly minded resort to other deities(Than Shri Krishna), and worship using different convenient methods. Whichever manifestation (of the Divine) any devotee desires to worship with faith — that faith I make unshakeable and firm.


In earlier Shlokas, Bhagvan Shri Krishna described various kinds of devotees who worship Him(Shri Krishna the Supreme). Bhagvan also described how the devotee who considers Him(Shri Krishna) as the sole purpose and surrenders to his lotus feet is supreme.

Devotion to God undoubtedly is the supreme state and leads to Moksha. But not everybody is able to realize the supreme state. Most people among us want to live a peaceful, and happy worldly life and want physical comforts, success, and prosperity in life. Many of us hence worship other deities along with Bhagvan Shri Krishna. The same fact is described in above Shlokas. Bhagvan Shri Krishna further says that no matter what deity one wants to worship for his worldly desires is still a noble act. Bhagvan Shri Krishna fixes the devotion of devotees in that particular deity.

The above Shlokas cause some confusion to a few people. To explain them, it is very clearly described in Ch3, the deities are higher beings and are created for the very purpose to take care of the physical needs of human beings. Pls read

"In the beginning, the creator Brahma created being(including deities) with the Yajna(Sacrifice) and said "By Yajna(Sacrifice) you propagate, and grow, let Yajna(Sacrifice) be your wish-fulfilling cow of plenty" (Ch3: Sh10)

"By this Yajna(religious sacrifice), you please demigods and then those demigods will nurture you. In this way, supporting each way, you shall obtain supreme good"(Ch3: Sh11)

Worshipping deities hence is very much prescribed.

The second fact is that all worship no matter which deities it is done to finally reach to Bhagvan Shri Krishna(Ch7: Sh22), cause all deities are very manifestation of Shri Krishna.