Chapter7 Shloka1,2 - Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Chapter 7 : Adhyatma Yoga - The Yoga of Absolute

Ch 07 : Sh 01-02

मय्यासक्तमनाः पार्थ योगं युञ्जन्मदाश्रयः ।
असंशयं समग्रं मां यथा ज्ञास्यसि तच्छृणु ॥
ज्ञानं तेऽहं सविज्ञानमिदं वक्ष्याम्यशेषतः ।
यज्ज्ञात्वा नेह भूयोऽन्यज्ज्ञातव्यमवशिष्यते ॥


śrī bhagavān uvāca
mayyāsakta manāḥ pārtha yogaṃ yuñjan madāśrayaḥ |
asaṃśayaṃ samagraṃ māṃ yathā jñāsyasi tacchṛṇu || 1 ||
jñānaṃ te’haṃ savijñānam idaṃ vakṣyāmy-aśeṣataḥ |
yajjñātvā neha bhūyo’nyajjñātavyam avaśiṣyate || 2 ||


With your mind focused on Me, having Me for your support and practising Yoga — listen, O Arjuna, to how you can, without doubt, know Me fully. I will declare to you in full, this knowledge along with the differentiating insight (Vijñana), knowing which nothing else remains to be known.


In last Shloka(of Chapter 6) Bhagvan Shri Krishna while describing the best among human beings, declared a yogi to be better than all others, but then a true devotee who is completely devoted to God is better than even yogi. And so a Bhakt(devotee) is best.

The coming Shlokas in this Chapter will describe the true nature and potency of Bhagvan Shri Krishna, the God. Therefore Shri Krishna asks Arjuna to bring his focus entirely on whatever been said if he is interested in knowing who and what is God?

Giving commentary on this Chapter, Shri Ramanuja, the author of Vishist Advaita commented as follows:
“Listen attentively to this teaching which I am about to impart to you, by which you will understand Me conclusively and completely. I am the object of the Yogic contemplation in which you are engaged with a mind so deeply attached to Me by virtue of your overwhelming love. It would probably disintegrate instantaneously the moment it lost contact with My essential Being, attributes, pastimes, and glories, and with your very Self resting so completely on Me — it would break up when bereft of Me.”