Chapter7 Shloka29 - Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Chapter 7 : Adhyatma Yoga - The Yoga of Absolute

Ch 07 : Sh 29

जरामरणमोक्षाय मामाश्रित्य यतन्ति ये ।
ते ब्रह्म तद्विदुः कृत्स्नमध्यात्मं कर्म चाखिलम्‌ ॥


jarā-maraṇa-mokṣayā mām-āśritya yatanti ye |
te brahma tad viduḥ kṛtsnam adhyātmaṃ karma cākhilam || 29||


Those who take refuge in Me and strive for liberation from old age and death, fully understand Brahman [ātman], Self-realisation, and Karma.


In earlier Shloka Bhagvan Shri Krishna explained, the devotion to Him(Shri Krishan) makes humans free from the bonds of delusion. Going further Bhagvan Shri Krishna says, one who takes refuge in Him(Shri Krishna) is liberated from the traumatic effect of erosion of material body. Devotion leads humans to the realization of self and understands the intricacies of Karma.