Chapter7 Shloka10 - Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Chapter 7 : Adhyatma Yoga - The Yoga of Absolute

Ch 07 : Sh 10

बीजं मां सर्वभूतानां विद्धि पार्थ सनातनम्‌ ।
बुद्धिर्बुद्धिमतामस्मि तेजस्तेजस्विनामहम्‌ ॥


bījaṃ māṃ sarva bhūtānāṃ viddhi pārtha sanātanaṃ |
buddhir-buddhimatām asmi tejas-tejasvinām aham || 10 ||


O Partha! Know me as the original seed of all beings. I am the intelligence in the intelligent and the dignity of the dignified.


Continuing from last shlokas, Bhagvan Shri Krishna further describes His opulence and eternal potency. Bhagvan Shri Krishna is the original seed of all existence. He alone is the source of all properties living and non-living entities posses. We in our life are not able to realize this cause we see the thousandths and millionth level of manifestation. We see the composition of material which are formed after many levels of transformations. What we comprehend is the gross level of experience by our gross sense organs. But billions of elements in this universe are formed of some basic elements which all originated from Bhagvan Shri Krishna.