Chapter8 Shloka16 - Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Chapter 8 : Akshar Bramh yoga - The eternal knowledge of supreme

Ch 08 : Sh 16

आब्रह्मभुवनाल्लोकाः पुनरावर्तिनोऽर्जुन ।
मामुपेत्य तु कौन्तेय पुनर्जन्म न विद्यते ॥


ābrahma bhuvanāllokāḥ punar-āvartino’rjuna |
mām-upetya tu kaunteya punar-janma na vidyate || 16 ||


All the worlds, from the realm of Brahma down (Bramhaloka and below), are subject to recurrence, O Arjuna, but after attaining Me, O Son of Kunti, there is no rebirth.


This Shloka along with some other shlokas presents not only an amazing spiritual fact but answer to one of the most complex subjects of science that is that the reation and state of universe.(We would discus those subjects separately)
Bhagvan Shri krishna describes, that all Lokas starting from Bramha loka and downwards are subject to creation and destruction. Hence all living beings which reside on some of those planets also go through the cycle of birth and death.

But then Bhagvan Shri Krsihna also describes how his loka, which is also called as Goloka or Vaikuntha is free from such recurrence creation and destruction.

Those human who able to reach to the realm of Bhagvan Krishna hence becomes imortal and reside without facing any death for eternity.

Note: Some very complex subjects, like relativity of time, time and eternity, relative span of life etc which relates with this Shloka would be discussed shortly.