Chapter8 Shloka6 - Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Chapter 8 : Akshar Bramh yoga - The eternal knowledge of supreme

Ch 08 : Sh 06

यं यं वापि स्मरन्भावं त्यजत्यन्ते कलेवरम्‌ ।
तं तमेवैति कौन्तेय सदा तद्भावभावितः ॥


yaṃ yaṃ vāpi smaran-bhāvaṃ tyajaty-ante kalevaram |
taṃ tam-evaiti kaunteya sadā tad-bhāva-bhāvitaḥ || 6 ||


With whatever state of thought or mental inclination (bhava) one leaves his body, he attains the same state(or state which justifies his mental inclination) [in next birth], without fail.


The above Shloka presents one of the most important facts about the transition of one life to another life. Bhagvan Shri Krishna explains with the absolute assertion that, state of the human mind or thought at the last moments of life influence the state of the next birth. Whatever a human is thinking in his mind, he attains the body, environment and mental state which justifies this state. If a human is thinking of Bhagvan Shri Krishna he will attain his abode, as already explained in earlier Shloka. If he has the deep desires for Deva Loka in the last moment, he will attain that. If he is in the state of anger, hate, lust, etc, he will achieve the next physical body which justifies his state of mind.

Though next Shloka also describes, that human has the same thought at the end of life which he used to have throughout life. If he is a person of lust whole life, he does not develop devotion suddenly in the last moment. But yes, if somebody is able to channel his thought at the last moment he is able to influence his next birth.