Akshar Bramh yoga - The eternal knowledge of supreme - Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Chapter 8: Akshar Bramh yoga - The eternal knowledge of supreme


  • Shloka
  • San Vik
  • Purport



Ch 08 : Sh 01-02

अर्जुन उवाच
किं तद्ब्रह्म किमध्यात्मं किं पुरुषोत्तम ।
अधिभूतं च किं प्रोक्तमधिदैवं किमुच्यते ॥
अधियज्ञः कथं कोऽत्र देहेऽस्मिन्मधुसूदन ।
प्रयाणकाले च कथं ज्ञेयोऽसि नियतात्मभिः ॥


Arjuna uvāca
kiṃ tad-brahma kim-adhyātma kiṃ karma puruṣottama |
adhi-bhūtaṃ ca kiṃ proktam adhi-daivaṃ kim-ucyate || 1 ||

adhi-yajñāḥ kathaṃ ko’tra dehe’smin madhusūdana |
prayāṇa-kāle ca kathaṃ jñeyo’si niyatātmabhiḥ || 2 ||

Arjuna said: What is that Brahman? What is Adhyatmal What is Karma, O Purusottama(Supreme being)? What is called Adhibhūta? And what is said to be Adhi-duiva? And, who, in that way, is Adhiyajña, in this body, O destroyer of Madhu? And, how art Thou known at the time of death, by the self-controlled?

In the last Shloka of last chapter Bhagvan Shri Krishna when describing his potential, mentioned Adhibhuta, Adhidaiva, and Adhiyajna. Arjuna could not understand and hence he asked Shri Krishna to explain. Though questions asked are quite evident, but in case somebody wants to know in simple terms those questions are as follows
1. What is Bramhan?
2. What is Adhyatma?
3. What is karma?
4. What is Adhibhuta?
5. What is Adhidaiva?
6. Who is Adhiyajna?

Though three of the terms are not very common among people, three other Bramhan, Adhyatma and Karma are common terms with respect to Sanatan Dharma. But due to various scriptures describing these terms in different ways, there still exists a kind of confusion among people for what exactly do Bramhan, Adhyatma and Karma mean. Shri Krishna has explained the meaning of the above terms.

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