ananyāś-cintayanto māṃ ye janāḥ paryupāsate |
teṣāṃ nityābhiyuktānāṃ yoga-kṣemaṃ vahāmyaham || 22 ||
There are those who, not being mindful of anything else, adore Me alone, aspiring after eternal union with Me. I Myself take charge of their prosperity and welfare (YogaKṣema).
In Last Shloka Bhagvan Shri Krishna described some people who follow Vedic injunctions or worship God to fulfill their desires of happiness and elevated life. If their actions are correct and their worship is successful, they get the abode of Deva Loka where they experience all happiness in proportions of punya Karma they do.
But there are other kinds of people, who do not desire anything but Shri Krishna, The God, alone. Such devotee does not desire for any happiness, any heaven or anything, but only want to achieve the lotus feet of Shri Krishna.
Shri Krishna says such devotee becomes the direct responsibility of Shri Krishna. He(Shri Krishna) Himself takes care of that devotee for everything hereafter. Such devotees indeed are dearest to Shri Krishna and reside in the same abode as supreme Lord Shri Krishna. He(The devotee) gets free the cycle of birth and death and reside in the abode of Shri Krishna till eternity.