Chapter9 Shloka30 - Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Chapter 9 : Guhya Yoga, the Confidential knowledge

Ch 09 : Sh 30

अपि चेत्सुदुराचारो भजते मामनन्यभाक्‌ ।
साधुरेव स मन्तव्यः सम्यग्व्यवसितो हि सः ॥


api-cet sudurācāro bhajate mām-ananyabhāk |
sādhur-eva sa mantavyaḥ samyag-vyavasito hi saḥ || 30 ||


If one who is given to vile conduct propitiates Me without any distraction then he-should, indeed, be considered noble, he having rightly resolved.


This Shloka represents one of another important principle of Sanatan Dharma, and that is that a human is good or bad according to his actions and due to his existence as a particular person. In other words, it's the action which is good or bad and not the human. But since we live in a social structure where human is the smallest identity, he carries the label of good or bad. At the spiritual level or at the level of logical principle, its only the actions performed by a person which can be good or bad.

In fact, the same person can be involved in good or bad action at different points of time. We can classify people in different categories, but three of them are main 1. Those people who perform a wrong act which is harmful other beings or society.2. Those who perform mix actions, some wrong but not harmful, some good but not very beneficial for others. The majority of people come under this category. 3. Those who perform majority of their action for the welfare of other beings and society.

People of the first category are called criminals, the second category is an average normal citizen. The third category is the saintly people.

Though it is rare, if ever happens that a person who earlier belonged to the first category and later left all bad acts and become saintly, devoted to God and works for the welfare of other beings, then he becomes eligible to be a saint. Though every human is liable to pay for his actions and if somebody has done something wrong he would pay for his actions. But if a person leaves his bad deeds and indulges in good karma, he deserves the reward for his good karma too.

The same fact is described in above Shloka. Bhagvan Shri Krishna says, that the door to God is not closed even for wicked of persons. If a person gives up his vile conduct and chooses to dedicates his life in pure devotion unto Supreme Shri Krishna and performs all good karma, she will be eligible to be called noble in the latter span of life.

Going further into this principle, Shrimad Bhagvad Gita and other Hindu scriptures declare every soul as pure and blissful.