mayā tatam idaṃ sarvaṃ jagad avyakta mūrtinā |
mat-sthāni sarva bhūtāni na cāhaṃ teṣv-avasthitaḥ || 4 ||
This entire universe is pervaded by Me, in an unmanifest form. All beings abide in Me, but I do not abide in them.
What explained in this Shloka is one of the most complex facts explaining how this entire universe is sustained. Later explained in this chapter that the universe created and merge into Bhagvan Shri Krishna at the start and end of the Bramha's day and night. But here Shri Krishna explained He himself sustain this entire universe. This Shloka also explains how that is done.
Bhagvan Shri sustains this entire universe with his unmanifest potency. Though the unmanifest form is not mentioned in this Shloka, as explained at many places in Shrimad Bhagvad Gita and other scripture, this unmanifest form is nothing but "Bramhan" which sustains the life in the whole universe. The manifest form, which in other words called as Maya, is the source of all material universe.