Intro - Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita


Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Bhagvad Gtia.
Bhagvad means "by God" or "Of God". Gita means "the song", "words".
So Bhagvad Gita means the "Song of God" or "Words by God". Bhagvad Gita hence records the direct words of God.

"Shri", "Shrimad" is used before a name to give respect and honour. "Shri" shows normal to moderate respect and used in everyday life to mention people around. Another version "Shriman" is used to give resepct to more literate people, teachers, political leaders or guests.

"Shrimad" is used mostly to give respect to religious figure or entities including scriptures.
Hence the full ame of Bhagvad Gita is "Shrimad Bhagvad Gita".

"Shrimad Bhagvad Gita" as scripture is part of Mahabharat. Bhaeesma Parva Chapters 25-42 is called as Bhagvad Gita. These chapters contain the conversation bewteen Shri Krishna and Arjuna. Shri Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Bhagvan Vishnu himself. Lord Vishnu as Hindu scriptures describe have incarnated many times. 10 of those incarnations are called the majour termed as "Dashavtar". Shrimad Bhagvad Gita contains the direct words of Bhagvan Shri Krishna as spoken to Arjuna and hence is called the "Bhagvad Gtia" means "Song of God" or "Words by God".

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita revealed in the war fields of Kurukshetra just before the actual war started. Mahabharat one of the greatest war fought between cousins of Kuru Dynasty. This dynasty start by king Bharat and that is why Kuru Dynasty is also called Bharat dynasty or in short, all of them called "Bhaarat". This is the same name which India had earlier "Bhaarat".

The sons of Pandu and Dhritarashtra could not resolve their disputes about the division of states and finally decided to go for a war. They sought the help of other kings who and assembled in Kurukshetra. Shri Krishna was the king of Dwarka at that time. Both Pandavas and Kauravas approached Shri Krishna for support. But Shri Krishna did not participate in war but offered part of his soldiers or himself. Shri Krishna also made it clear he will not raise arms on anybody under any circumstances. Arjuna who was a great devotee of Shri Krishna asked Shri Krishna to be his chariot driver as well as his guide in war. Duryodhana, on the other hand, took soldiers.

Two parties assembled in the field of Kurukshetra, a place in present Haryana. Just before the war was supposed to start, Arjuna requested Shri Krishna to bring him between two armies so he can asses both armies. But when he looked upon the opposite army, he found all familiar faces, his grandfather, Bheesma, Guru Dronacharya, his maternal uncle and his friends etc. Arjuna suddenly got into shock thinking he has to fight with and kill his own relatives and friends to win the war. He got deeply confused for what is right, fighting war and killing his own friends and relatives or to leave war. Under this grief and confusion, he then asked Shri Krishna to guide him.

Bhagvan Shri Krishna then answered all the questions which Arjuna asked plus revealed to him the truth of everything the life, afterlife, purpose of human lives, the concept of duty and how to live a pure life. In this conversation Shri Krishna also revealed he himself is God and the creator of the entire universe. Though Arjuna believed what Shri Krishna said, he still wanted to see the real form of Shri Krishna. On his request, Shri Krishna then revealed his entire true form, which is called as Vishvarupa or the "Universal form". Shrimad Bhagvad Gita records word to word conversation between Shri Krishna the God incarnated and Arjuna. This book hence is called as the words by God or song of God, "Shrimad Bhagvad Gita"

This is the only book among Hinduism and among all religions where God himself is speaking and he himself is revealing he is God. Shrimad Bhagvad Gita contains profound spiritual facts and many hidden messages which seers and sages for century keep trying to find. Shrimad Bhagvad Gita is not just a book but a journey to enlightenment.

Hare Krishna!