Deities the immediate guardian of human - Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

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Deities the immediate guardian of human

Om namo bhagavate vasudevayah

There exists a lot of confusions on Devatas(deities or demigods) who due to ignorance or partial knowledge are called Gods. Many people in the western word translate devatas as Gods.
Devatas, as explained earlier are the higher species who reside in devloka(heaven). They are the ministry of Lord Shri Vishnu and take care of the physical needs of human and other living beings on different planets.

Devatas are extremely important for human and all living beings on earth. They nurture us by providing all necessities to perform our duties. They are like our immediate guardians. We human should always worship them. This co-relation of Devatas and Human is the natural structure the way Created by Lord. This earth is going to be prosperous if and only if this alliance between Devatas and Human is intact.

This post is for the same subject.

Supreme Personality of Godhead, Shri Krishna has very clearly mentioned this in Shrimad Bhagvat Gita. Please have look at following shlokas:
Te deva bhavayantu vah devan bhavayatanena
parasparam bhavayantahsreyah param avapsyatha

"By this Yajna(religious sacrifice), you please demigods and then those demigods will nurture you. In this way, supporting each way, you shall obtain supreme good"

Ch3: Sh 12
tair dattan apradayaibhyoyo bhunkte stena eva sah
istan bhogan hi vo deva dasyante yajna-bhavitah

"After being satisfied by the Yajna(religious sacrifice) the Devatas(demigods) will give you all necessities to perform your duties. One who enjoys these without passing unto service of others is a thief"

From the above shloka we can summarize the following facts:
1. Devatas are there to nurture Human(and other living beings).
2. Human should please Devatas by worshiping them.
3. Devatas should provide Human with all the necessities on earth so that Human can perform their duties.

I don’t think there can be a more clear declaration than this on this matter. It very clearly mentions that Devatas nurture Human (and all living beings). This is why they are created by the Lord. As per the divine laws created by Lord Shri Krishna, Human should worship Devatas (deities) to please them and in turn, Devatas(deities) should provide the human with all the necessities of life. This is the hierarchy of the living universe. Devatas and Human have their co-existence in the above defined way. The prosperity on earth is going to be intact when this alliance between Devatas(deities) and human is intact.

Therefore none of us should have any confusion regarding worshiping any Devatas(deities). One more point to add here. Many ancestors who have done good karma go to higher planets where they get limited powers to bless their children. Hence worshiping our ancestors is also beneficial. It may not work all the time, but it works in many cases.

I hope this note will help devotees remove all the confusion regarding worshiping Devatas(deities). Sanatan Dharma is complete truth. Everything mentioned in our scriptures is based on all direct words of God, the realization of truth by Yogis or the revelation received by saints. We should all always follow them.

Shri Hari Om Tat Sat