Components of physical body and its alterations - Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

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Components of physical body and its alterations

"Om namo bhagavate vasudevayah"

We see different creatures having different kind of physical bodies. Most important and advance among them is the Human body. 

The human body as all others is nothing but a complex collection of material elements. But  Human is different from other living creatures on this planet because it has high intelligence, sensitivity, and complex and sophisticated feelings.

A physical body is called as Ksetra(field) like a farming field, surrounded by a boundary. Similarly, the body is the abstraction of the material world (Prakriti). It starts here and finally merges into this material nature itself.

We human many a times discus everything, want to know them, but falter at very basic that is that to know the physical body. The spiritual journey starts by knowing the physical body first.

Shrimad Bhagvat Gita very clearly defines the physical body and its components. This physical body of a living being is formed of 24 components and understanding those components is very important to know this body. This post will give details of those components.

Lets look at the shlokas first:

Ch13:Sh 6,7

maha-bhutany ahankaro buddhir avyaktam eva ca
indriyani dasaikam ca panca cendriya-gocarah
iccha dvesah sukham duhkham sanghatas cetana dhrtih
etat kshetram samasena sa-vikaram udahrtam

"The five great elements, the ego, the intelligence, the Primeval Matter, mind and the ten senses, the five sense objects. Desire, aversion, joy, sorrow, the aggregate(The body), mutual attraction, conscious and rigidity are described in brief, along with the alterations in ksetra."

These shlokas describe the components and characteristics of the Ksetra(Body). From the shloka above following components and characteristics of the Body(Ksetra) can be summarized.

1. Five great elements elements
2. Two unmanifest elements of existence (Ego and Intelligence)
3. Ten senses
4. Five sense objects
5. Mind
6. Internal senses.

Adding all above

5 great elements + 2 unmanifest elements + 10 senses + 5 sense objects+ Mind + Internal senses = 24

The physical body is an aggregate of these 24 elements. The alternations (the variations) in these elements in our bodies produce all different types of functions. Collecting from various sources, these elements can be further expanded as follows:

Let's see them one by one

1. Five great elements:
There are five basic elements by which all universe has been formed. These elements are the basic elements of the formation of both living and non-living entities. These elements are

1. Earth,
2. Water,
3. Fire,
4. Air and
5. Ether

Apart from five basic elements, there are two unmanifest elements which are the constituent elements of a living entity, these elements are not found in non-living beings.

2. Unmanifest elements of existence:
1. The false ego,
2. The intellect,

3. Ten senses:
A human body contains 10 senses these senses can further be divided into two parts 1. perceptual senses and 2.2 Senese of activity.

3.1 Five perceptual senses:
1. Eye
2. Ear,
3. Nose,
4.Tongue and
5.Sense of touch

3.2 The five senses of activity
1. The voice,
2. The hands,
3. The legs,
4. The genitals and
5.The anus

4. Five sense objects (of the perceptual senses)
1. Sight,
2. Sound,
3. smell,
4. taste and
5. Form(Rupa & Rasa)

5: Mind

6: The internal senses:
1. Desire,
2. Aversion,
3. Happiness,
4. Unhappiness,
5.The body,
6. The intuition,
7. Patience

The physical body hence is an aggregate of these 24 elements. Intelligence which is a cognitive function of the mind is imbued with patience and fortitude. Desire, aversion, etc. are merely effects of cognition and included as part of the ksetra as attributes solely of the mind and not of the Atma or eternal soul. The qualities mentioned also include by implication other qualities of the mind as well such as reflection and introspection.

Apart from these elements the body goes through the various transformation, Body passes through 6 stages, they are :

Six material modifications(Alterations)
1. Birth,
2. Sustenance,
3. Growth,
4. Maturity,
5. Declination and
6. Destruction

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad I.V.III states: Desire, reflection, doubt, faith, lack of faith, patience, impatience, modesty, intelligence, and fear are all products of the mind.

To understand this physical body, we all should know its all components and its stages. Knowing the physical body will help you remove all the confusion and you will be able to differentiate it easily from the Purush(The Atma). You will have more clarity in understanding all other spiritual facts.

This article gives a brief description of the body which is described as the Ksetra and which is the part of this Prakriti(the material world). We all should know the truth that even mind and senses are the part of this Prakriti(matter or material world) and not the Purusha. The transformations of these elements in our body which is nothing but again the interchange of modes of Prakriti(matter) causes all functions and sadness and happiness.

Dear devotees knowing this physical body and its components are the first step in the path of enlightenment and then liberation. Please try to know it thoroughly as this will pave your way and make your spiritual journey smooth.

"Shri Hari Om Tat Sat"