अर्जुन उवाच
मदनुग्रहाय परमं गुह्यमध्यात्मसञ्ज्ञितम् ।
यत्त्वयोक्तं वचस्तेन मोहोऽयं विगतो मम ॥1॥
भवाप्ययौ हि भूतानां श्रुतौ विस्तरशो मया ।
त्वतः कमलपत्राक्ष महात्म्यमपि चाव्ययम् ॥2॥
śrī arjuna uvāca
mad-anugrahāya paramaṃ guhyam adhyātma saṃjñitam |
yat tvayoktaṃ vacas tena moho-yaṃ vigato mama || 1 ||
bhavāpyayau hi bhūtānāṃ śrutau vistaraśo mayā |
tvattaḥ kamala-patrākṣa mahātmyam api cāvyayam || 2 ||
Arjuna said.
Out of compassion for Me, You have personally revealed the most profound mystery concerning the jivatman; thereby this delusion of mine is completely dispelled.(1)
Indeed, I have heard in great detail about the origination and dissolution of all beings, OKrishna (Lotus-eyed-one), as issuing forth from You; as also about Your inexhaustible